
Snow Plows

New Street Opening Permit and Fees!  See revised street opening permit form below.


The City’s street revenues are primarily derived from gas tax collected by the State of Oregon and distributed on a per capital basis.

We maintain 31 miles of streets in our community.  Street patching, crack sealing, paving, alley maintenance, snow control, street cleaning, stormwater management, traffic control, etc. are all included under this program along with funding a portion of the city’s code enforcement program. 

Street lighting is paid for by the streets fund however maintenance is done by the Electric Utility here at the City of Milton-Freewater.  To report a street light problem please contact the Electric Department at 541-938-8232 or Click Here to fill out a repair request online.


Street Opening Permits

Digging in or near the street? Installing or modifying a driveway?  A PERMIT IS REQUIRED!

Street Opening permits are required anytime digging takes place in street right of way, alley right of way (both gravel or paved) or with cutting of any curb, sidewalk, driveway or road surface.  To work in the right of way you must be a licensed and insured contractor or hire one.  Our minimum fees for working in unpaved areas are $50.00 or $2.50/ft whichever is greater and in paved or concrete areas $5.00/sq ft.  For full fee details are on permit form. To obtain street opening permits please contact Steven Patten at Public Works 541 938 8274 or  The permit form is located at the bottom of the page.


Planting a tree near the street or sidewalk?  We advise you contact the Public Works Department before planting trees to verify they are permitted in the area you wish to plant them.  When trees block public rights of way you may be required to trim them back or even remove them to allow for proper vision clearance as well as for maintenance access such as the street sweeper.  We also recommend once you receive approval from Public Works you contact the City Electric Department at City Hall to ensure you can plant them as well due to what may be overhead or underground.   Tree planting tips and information can also be found under the Electric Department link on the city website.


Call Before You Dig!

As a farmer, homeowner, or excavator, you are required by law to make contact with underground facility owners before you excavate. If you are planning on excavating please 811 or 1-800-332-2344




We ask that citizens not put clippings and debris in the street at any time with the exception of leaf collection during your scheduled time.  Debris in the street can cause issues at times of runoff and heavy rain.  If the city has to go clean up due to this type of activity the property owner may be charged.

In 2011 we were the fortunate recipients of a Stormwater grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.   This comprehensive project consisted of a Stormwater Managment Plan, Environmental Report, decommissioning drywells and piping the old Milton Ditch. Click here for details.


Traffic Control

The city does not maintain or operate the two stop signals through town.  These are maintained and operated by Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), as they are located on State Highway 11.  During times of in-operation of the signal lights, city staff assists with temporary signage and/or traffic control to keep traffic flowing safely for drivers as well as pedestrians.  The City and ODOT installed two advance stop warning lights on South Main, also referred to as Highway 11.  The City has partnered with MFUSD to install a third set of warning lights at the intersection of SE/SW10th Ave and S. Main St.  The City has a service contract with ODOT to perform maintenance on these if they are not operating properly.  If you have a concern about the operation of the pedestrian signal at South Main (Hwy 11) and 4th Avenue or South Main (Hwy 11) and 12th Avenue please contact the Public Works Department.  If you have a concern about the signal for pedestrians at SE 1st and North Columbia (Hwy 11) please contact ODOT directly.